It’s a new month and time for a deep dive into a classic block. This month let’s explore string blocks. This scrap busting block is full of possibilities. Enabling you to create a world of string quilts.
First lets look at the traditional string block. This block is often made on a foundation of paper of lightweight cloth. I prefer cloth, because I don’t like to have to rip the paper off. Ripping of paper is time consuming and messy to me. There are people that find it relaxing. I even have a friend who’s husband will do it for her. If you fit in either of those categories then by all means use paper. Try a light paper that is easy to tear, like newsprint, or pages from an old phonebook.
You can mix this block up by changing the shape of your foundation. Try rectangles with this tutorial or triangles. Another idea to try with this method is to change up the angle the strips are applied to the foundation. In addition to a 45* angle try 60* for a diamond look like this quilt. Or try horizontally for a coin style quilt. Want to skip the foundation all together? Try this method.
Strip Sets
Another way to make a string block is by creating strip sets. In this method strips are sew together and then sub cut into various shapes. A few ideas are wedges, triangles and rectangles. I have several patterns that use this method. If you would like to explore these kinds of quilts. Try my on demand workshop Strip Set Play.
Log Cabin
Finally log cabin blocks and all their variations make great string blocks. From traditional to wonky log cabins lend themselves well scrappy strings. Looking to expand your skills and explore the possibilities of the log cabin? Join me for a live via Zoom workshop, Build a Scrappy Cabin. We’ll explore courthouse steps, pineapple and wonky variations. Save your spot here.