I’ve heard it said May is as busy as Christmas. One week in and I’m tending to agree. On Tuesday I met with friend at the Senior Center and basted a couple of quilts. I was hoping to have one done to show but I’m still quilting.
After basting quilts I stopped at Joe’s Nursery to pick up plants for my garden. I got most of those planted last night, with the help of my not so helpful dog, Spike. I mostly try to plant as fast as I can after throwing his ball. Once he got excited and took a bite out of my pumpkin plant. Naughty, naughty dog.
I had to order more zippers. Between zipper pouches and skirts my daughter and I had used up the last batch. My zippers arrived yesterday. Don’t they make a lovely bouquet?
Perfect for Mother’s Day and Crafting. I’m treating myself to a class and a new yoga mat.
Love your zipper bouquet!!! Which Craftsy class did you go for?