As I mentioned last week, my family has a bakery. When my mom, aunts, and uncles started working at the bakery their first job was to make pies. I love pie. It is one of my favorite desserts. I may get that from my grandpa. He used to say, his two favorite kinds of pie were hot and cold. I have to agree those are my favorite also.
When my mom, aunts, and uncles started working at the bakery their first job was to make pies. I never worked at the bakery, but my mom did teach me how to make pie. Now that my boys are grown and not around to eat it. I have to limit my pie making. Otherwise I would eat a whole pie. While that would be yummy, it would not be good for my waistline.
So instead I designed this Cherry Pie quilt. I had fun making the pies and creating a fun lattice sashing. The new fabric line Badda Bing by Me and My Sister for Moda was the perfect choice for a Cherry Pie quilt. While this line is not currently available you can pre order it from theFat Quarter Shop. Or find lots of other pretty fabrics to fill your stash.
While not quite as yummy, I would still consider it a comfort food. The bonus being no added calories. You can find the pattern in my Etsy Shop.
love your quilt and I love pie too – I rarely make it though – pretty much for the same reason – I always loved making cookies and cakes and we eat all of it – now that it is just hubby and I for a lot of years I have learned that I can not continue to bake like that – it's dangerous!! lol – really health matters 🙂 Don't you wish for recipes for pie and other desserts for two it is so hard to cut recipes down to size at times.
Adorable! I love hearing your stories behind your quilts.
This is so darling!
Another winner! It even looks like it has lattice pie crust.
I love pie too. It's so much better than cake.
Question: when I learned to make pie I learned I had to use lard to get the flakiest crust. What do you say?
And even though hubby and I are the only ones at home I still bake pies mostly when I know grandkids will be here for the weekend. I grow my own pumpkin, strawberries, rhubarb, peaches and apples so I have to use them!
It looks great and definitely has less calories that a real pie.
I love the fabric and the pattern! Almost as good as a cherry pie from scratch! heehee!
This is a yummy-looking quilt. I love the story behind it, too. Doesn't a great family story always make a quilt extra special?