You may know that scrappy play is a favorite pastime of mine. Seeing how my memory filled leftovers can become a beautiful quilt gets me into flow like nothing else. Before I know it a whole afternoon can fly by.

Recently I pulled out my orange and yellow scrap bins for a little scrappy play. I met Carmen of TenSisters at a retreat I was teaching at last month. She had messaged me when she say my Jumbo Scrappy Star on Instagram. She gave me some of her product to try. I was excited to see how it would work with my Stash Busting Design class. (Formerly Bits to Beauty)
To make cutting quick and easy I pulled out my AccuQuilt Go Big. In no time at all I had this happy Halloween wall hanging.

Door for my Stash Busting Design class will be opening soon. Save your spot today! Look forward to learning about color and value. Discover how to create movement in your quilts. Gain confidence to turn your scraps and stash into beautiful quilts.