Now that the kids are grown and money is not so tight I still quilt my own. It’s not my favorite thing always but I feel a sense of accomplishment saying I made my quilt completely by myself. I’ve know I have lots of room for improvement in my quilting. So I recently started taking some classes on Bluprint. Did you know you can get unlimited streaming of classes for less than $4 a month. Between the yoga classes I watch on snow days when I can’t walk outside. The sock knitting classes I’ve been watching. I really want to knit socks! And the free motion quilting classes I’ve been binge watching. I’m getting my moneys worth.
I watched Christina Cameli’s Secrets of Free Motion Quilting and Patsy Thompson’s Feather Basics. They both taught me things that my self teaching had totally missed. I used what I learned to start quilting my Clamshells quilt.
Good for you!!! Youtube has quite a few free videos from quilters that are wonderful for showing how to do a specific motif. I can't quilt for beans on my sewing machine (walking foot only), but I am blessed with a wonderful longarm that is so much fun to use. I admire anyone who can do their quilting on a sewing machine!
It's true. You can learn anything on YouTube. I like that on Bluprint I can ask question and get feedback from the instructor as well as others who are taking the class.
I've been toying with the idea of a long arm. I think it would save me time. But the cost so much. So for now I do it on my domestic.
Patsy Thompson was my first "teacher" and I have many of her DVDs – from her I gathered my courage and happily discovered MQ'ing was not so hard. And Christine Camelli is my current favorite – her style is not too fussy, not too formal, more woodsy, outdoorsy, casual. I love your scrappy projects, and you've been listed on my blog for years! Happy Quilting!
Wow, your pebbles and feathers look great! Perfect quilt for them. Keep on keeping on. 🙂
Thanks! That is so nice of you.
Cool that you also learned from Patsy. I do like the less formal look of Christine.
My favorite knitting is socks! Your quilting looks fabulous!