For the past five weeks I’ve happily sewn on quilt tops. I’ve created quite a stack. Being home bond is not all bad I guess. Happy news my toe is healing well. I’m out of the boot YEA!!!! I’m still in a protective shoe but I’m so pleased to be able to drive again. I feel a bit like a 16 year old. Look out world! I’ll be taking these flimsies to quilt group to be basted and find their way to the quilting stage.
Now to share a little job with the lucky winner of last weeks giveaway. The random # generator chose beth s of Love Laugh Quilt. If you haven’t visited her blog. Take a moment to do so. She make some pretty great stuff, from scrappy quilts to woven items. She inspired me to start weaving. I’m so happy her boys appreciate quilts also. I hope when she finds time to make this one they will love it.
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow the instructions for the next border in the Medallion Quilt Along will go up. Are you ready?
That has been a long recovery! Glad you are able to do more now, but yes, much can be accomplished when you are under house arrest. lol
Healing thoughts & prayers continued for your full recovery!
Congratulations on ditching that awful BOOT! Your stack of quilt tops is impressive and I can't wait to see how you'll quilt them!
So sorry to hear about the toe, sending you wishes for a speedy recovery. A very impressive stack of quilt tops. You have used the time well 🙂
Glad you are healing! But keep following Dr's orders so it doesn't go wrong. My SIL just had foot surgery this morning to fuse the bones in her foot from an injury years ago. She didn't follow Dr's orders and stay off of it!
How many of us are in recovery this spring? I'm glad to know you're improving and back on the road. And you had energy to quilt. I'm only getting mine back now.
You will have lots of quilting this summer as you finish these tops. Enjoy.