Yesterday a plain brown box was delivered to my porch. But the contents were anything but plain. Five Quilty Hugs were lovingly pack inside byKristi. First this wonderful, scrappy x &+ quilt.
Next this modern basket quilt.
And this contemporary quilt,
Also this sampler quilt,
Finally this stunning star quilt.
Thank you Kristi for your generosity.
I know each one will being so much comfort and love to someone valiantly fighting cancer.
Oh your photographs are just gorgeous!! They make the quilts shine. Thank you so much for helping so many people through Quilty Hugs!
That is such happy mail! Beautiful pieces.
That super scrappy one simply steals the show for me. LOVE it!!
Such a generous gift for those who are struggling with cancer. Thanks for sharing!
Some beautiful quilts, I really like the scrappy x&+ one! I'm sure they will be so loved!