Do you ever not try something, because you’re scared? I must admit I have. It may look cool. I would love to believe I could figure it out. But fear gets in my way. Thankfully I have a mother who taught me CAN’T is a four letter word. Plus I have friends who patiently help me build my quilting skills. I am thankful for both.
Personal Experience
When I’m scared to try something. I remind myself that “God hat not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) I love that it mentions our minds. Aren’t minds amazing. A sound mind even more so. I believe that if I set my mind to something. I can figure it out. I’m pretty tenacious, not stubborn LOL. I feel the only way I can fail is if I give up.
That said there are times when I don’t want to put in the effort. Case in point when I was asked to take part in a Double Wedding Ring challenge. The thought of figuring out all those curves was daunting. So I said no. But Victoria would not take no for an answer. At the time it bothered me. But now I’m so grateful. My Double Wedding Ring quilt is one of my all time favorites!

I love this quote, “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.” Sorry I didn’t write done who said it. If you know let. Would you let me know?
Teaching Others
As I teach I try to help my students have this kind of outlook. I want to be like Victoria and help my students believe in themselves. So they can tap into their inner strength to expand their quilting skills. This is the main purpose of my Sew Along.
Each sampler quilt is designed to give quilters a chance to try new techniques. We explore; applique, foundation piecing, free form piecing, and many other techniques. Each technique is taught with video and written instructions. Plus I’m always available to answer questions. My tenacious self is determined to see you succeed. A new sew along is about to begin. If you are ready to build your quilting skills. I hope you will join me.