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 Did you ever play jacks as a kid? Bounce the ball, pick up a jack, catch the ball before it bounces again.

 I know with electronics few kids have enjoyed this game. My mom was really good. I never could beat her. But I enjoyed playing with her.

 This little quilt is in memory of those happy hours. It features Riley Blake’s Wistful Winds fabric. A bright, happy line full of flowers and little girls. Perfect for memories with ones momma.

 You can find the pattern in the current issue of McCall’s Quilting. I have one to giveaway.

Just leave a happy memory of something you used to do with your mom. I’ll pick a winner next Friday. (I accidentally posted this for a few moments on Wednesday. I was trying to get ready for my retreat and  preparing a post for while I was gone. Whoops! If you commented while it was up don’t worry I have your entry.)


  • Gretchen Weaver says:

    I remember cooking and baking with my mother. I tried to do this with my daughter so she would have good memories too.

  • Karen - Quilts...etc. says:

    shopping and going out to lunch when mom was in her older years and dependent on others to get her around she enjoyed getting out so much – we always enjoyed chatting while doing this – when I was a kid at home we had the some enjoyable times working in the garden and just plain doing housework believe it or not as if anyone can enjoy housework – it is so much better when you are talking the whole time!!

  • jrquilts says:

    one of my best memories with mom was watching skating shows on tv or at maple leaf gardens. hjrogers@sympatico.ca

  • Sylvia says:

    Swimming at Bear Lake. What I wouldn't give to do that one more time.

  • piecefulwendy says:

    Mom and I would look through the quilts, embroidery, and other sewing treasures that had passed down to her. I am so grateful we did that, as I have many of them now and know the stories behind each one. Wendy at piecefulthoughts[at]gmail.com

  • Frog Quilter says:

    I remember cooking with my Mom. We ate delicious meals from weird foods.

  • Gill says:

    Mum and I loved gardening together – either in her garden or mine!

  • Mary says:

    My mom and I loved to shop together, especially for fabric!

  • Rebecca says:

    WE played cards. Old Maid and Go fish to start…Then War and Gin Rummy and graduating to Pinochle and Back Ally Bridge

  • Shauna says:

    So pretty. I remember jacks, and I loved playing them, just not finding a random one left on the floor.

  • Sherry VF says:

    The kids in my family would sit around the kitchen table with my Mom and assemble Halloween goody bags. This was back in day when candy didn't need to be individually wrapped and you could give out homemade treats. Loads of fun. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  • stitchinpenny says:

    My mom was the girl scout leader for a while so cooking on a fire is a great memory. She didn't cook at home.

  • allikatquilts.blogspot.com says:

    My mother taught me to knit, sew and crochet. I was young enough that the first things I made were doll clothes!

  • Cathy says:

    What another lovely variation of a Kaleidoscope quilt! I used to love to play Jacks with my friends for hours on end. What fun! My mom left us when we were pretty young but I do remember playing paper dolls with her a few times.

  • Loris says:

    I commented when you posted Wednesday so sorry if this is a repeat…but I remember a sweet impromptu trip with my mom back when I was in college. We drove our little car to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon…only to find it socked in with a snow storm. Fortunately, the clouds cleared a bit and we were able to get a peak at the majesty of that beautiful place. It was a sweet memory for both of us.

  • Ruth says:

    I tried playing jacks when I was young, but never practiced enough to get good. My Mom could also play it really well. My Mom taught me to embroider and I still love doing it. She did excellent work.

  • Tanya Quilts in CO says:

    On rainy days we would play board games, eat popcorn, drink hot chocolate, and she would make us a perfect hopscotch in the garage. They were my favorite!

  • LIttle Penguin Quilts says:

    What a sweet quilt! My mom taught me to make homemade cheese sauce for macaroni and cheese, and helped me learn my multiplication tables while we were stirring! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Carie @ Space for the Butterflies says:

    My mum taught me to play jacks too – and she always beat me as well! She also taught me cats cradle which I'm now teaching to my girls 🙂

  • Bibi Chats says:

    My best memories of my Mother are of cooking and baking together. We were really poor growing up but we always had good food. She would buy the fat scraps from the butcher at the Dominion store, then would sliver off the tidbits of meat left on and bread them. We made out ok and now that I am 63 I so regret and miss having the opportunity to ask her advice on how to make other things we used to make together.

  • Unknown says:

    my Mum taught me to play jacks too, she also taught me to knit and sew and cook, I have trie to pass these skills on to my daughter and am now teaching my granddaughters to cook and sew.

  • Julierose says:

    Mom was a fabulous golfer; i used to caddy for her–wellll, at least two times…we had fun and i learned a lot about golf rules…hugs, Julierose

  • Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow says:

    My sister and I spent many an hour playing jacks together..love this pattern:)

  • Joye with an e says:

    I remember learning to play Tic Tac Toe with my mother. I was in the hospital and she taught me to play it to pass the time.

  • Kleine Vingers says:

    My mother played a game called Halma with me (Halma is dutch I do not know how it is called in english). The game Jack I do not know. But the quilt is lovely fresh and reminds me of spring.
    aubphg (at) hotmail (dot) com

  • Vivian says:

    So perfect you asked about Mom memories on what was her birthday! Happy memories were going to Broadway shows with her. I have a cool framed collage someone made for her from Playbills she had. Miss her so!

  • Momma Llama says:

    My mom and I would play HopScotch on the patio that my dad had made. He poured the concrete in a hopscotch pattern, so that made if fun for us. We also played Jacks, Jumprope and Pick Up Sticks. Great memories. Donna Weeks aka Momma Llama (dweeks4602[at]gmail.com)

  • Marianne says:

    My mom had her sewing machine in her bedroom. I loved sitting on their bed while she sewed and just talking about things. I did that all through high school. No memories after that as she was taken from us by a drunk driver as she drove home from work one evening. I've missed her more than words can say.

  • Clara Ann says:

    My Mother would take me to plays at the Old Brewery Theater in Helena Montana where I grew up. I learned to love music, plays and so many things from my Mom. She encouraged me in so many things but the best thing is serving others. She gave her flowers and garden produce to so many. She made alot of people happy.

  • Shasta Matova says:

    What a beautiful quilt! My Mom and I make crafts. She taught me to sew – doing nothing less than my best. We also made macrame things together.

  • Lynne Stucke says:

    My Mom taught me to cross stitch, to sew, and to make beautiful ceramics! We used to go out to the Arts and Crafts Shop on Barksdale AFB every Tuesday night and Saturday. They had molds there so you could pour your own projects, and then had minimal charges for firing. We made some beautiful things — some of which grace my grandchildren's rooms today. She is long gone, sadly, but her legacy of crafting lives on! (lynnstck[at]yahoo.com)

  • Carol says:

    Listening to my mom read aloud to me…my love of books surely began with her.

  • phxquilt says:

    My Mom was a wonderful seamstress, but I didn't get that gene. While I sewed for my kids when they were little, I became a quilter instead. She and I shared a love of gardening and preserving food.

  • Bibi Chats says:

    oops, erszirogers at gmail dot com


  • mangozz says:

    My mother and my grandmother taught me how to sew. I started out making my own doll's clothes.

  • Unknown says:

    My mom was a hand quilter, I did not inherit that gene, but I did get the quilting gene! Mom and I liked to shop and go out for lunch/dinner together.

  • fournieces says:

    I remember swimming lessons at the local lake and she and the other mothers sitting on a blanket on the shore waiting for us to finish. Loved those times.

  • Unknown says:

    My mom was always there for us – waiting with cookies fresh from the oven, healing our hurts and loving us unconditionally. I fall far short as a mother myself but the memory of her always brings a smile.

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