When Julia at Riley Blake’s Cutting Corners asked if I would be interested in doing a quiet book page for their blog I jumped at the chance. I remember the quiet book my mom made for my sister, Lori when we were growing up and the hours of fun we had with it. Lori still has it. As a mother of boys I wanted to do something that would appeal to little boys. So I created a wild and crazy monster. Meet Manny Monster.
His mouth zips open and his tounge can stick out. Little people can also improve their dexterity and practice that tricky skill of buttoning on his vest.
You can create your own Manny Monster by visiting Cutting Corners. And who knows some time soon I might create a few more friends for Manny. After all he is tons of fun and fun guys attract friends.
How fun and adorable. I can see an entire quilt made of these! Thanks for the link to the tutorial! 🙂
That is too cute …
That is adorable! Very clever. Thanks for the link.
Super cute!
Manny is super cute!! Love the zipper for his tongue!! Kids will love it!
Sew cute, Em. Thanks for the tutorial. I've got a young new couple of grands that would love this!
Indeed, this looks like fun, what a creative idea, It is just cute, love it.
That is REALLY cute, Em. Who doesn't want to make the Monster's tongue come out? I think adults would like to have time with this quiet book, too. I made one for my kids when they were little, also.
What a hoot. Is that pom pom fringe hair??????????? Love it.
Cute, cute, cute! blessings, marlene
Well, he attracted me to your blog!!! Love this little guy…. (And your blog too!)