I’ve finished my scrappy butterfly quilt, You may remember I created crumb fabric for the upper wings. If you’ve wondered about crumb fabric. Maybe wanted to try it out. I have this how to video. If you like what you see there. Then jump in with both feet with my Crumb Quilting book. Get a signed copy in my shop. Or if you are outside the US. Get a copy on Amazon. My signature is not worth what you will pay in shipping otherwise.

I used my AccuQuilt Go to cut out the butterflies. I had fun last week chatting with the ladies at AccuQuilt about their fun butterfly die. Here’s the replay in case you missed it.
I’ve created a simple one page patter for this sweet little baby quilt. It does require the AccuQuilt Butterfly Die. But as you’ll see in the video there are many options to using the die. So it’s well worth the investment. Not to mention the fact that I love my AccuQuilt Go System. It is perfect for helping me bust through my scraps. Making them easy to use. Get your butterfly quilt pattern. I’m calling it Butterfly Garden. I free motion quilted flowers for my butterflies to flutter by.

Enjoy playing in your crumbs and stash. Can’t wait to see your quilt. Want a little how to on making this quilt. Check out this simple video tutorial.
Watched the video. Love your crumb quilt butterflies. Will have to look for your book.