Do your scraps multiply? I think they must have wild parties when I turn out the lights. The more I use the more I have. It’s like the widow with Elijah, my measure of scraps never runs out. So I’m always looking for ways to use up leftovers. Today I’d like to share a fun project that uses up leftover batting, scraps and selvages. Plus it’s a quick and easy gift for the book lovers in your life.
I’m calling these bookmarks with a message. First I used a bunch of crumb fabric I had made for a recent class. I also went through my scraps and cut off any selvages with words I liked. Words like; City Girl, Freedom, Home Grown, Timeless. You get the idea. I know there are people who save their salvages. I’m not one of them. But I was able to find a bunch in my scraps. So wherever you can find them. They will work. I also gathered up some batting scraps. I had forgotten I gave a bunch to my daughter to fill a bolster she was making. Fortunately I found a strip that had fallen behind my table.

I took these bits and pieces and started combining them into scrappy quilted bookmarks. First by kind of fussy cutting my crumb fabric. Next sandwiching it with batting and another single scrap. Adding the message from the selvage piece. Then stitching around the edge and finally pinking the edges
I finally ended up with these cute bookmarks with a message. Here’s a video tutorial. Just in case you would like to make a few. Use them as gifts for your book group, teacher gifts, or slip them in any book you may be gifting.