I’ve been working on my neighborhood row quilt. This weekend I finished the third row. At the end of the week Cheryl will reveal my row. I had a lot of fun designing my row and love the way it looks with the rest of my rows. I can barely wait to show you.
Last week I received a notice from the power company saying my power will be off from 11- 5 today. Now that throws a wrench in things. I was racking my brain. What will I do with no power? If the weather is good I can work in my garden. I do need to get my peas, beets and broccoli in. But that won’t take me all day. Finally I realized I could weave. I haven’t used my loom for awhile. I’ve been wanting to but had a hard time squeezing it in with all my other interests. Since I can’t sew or make soap without power the loom got warped and I’m ready to do a little weaving.
I know spring is a busy time. Are you finding time to move a few projects forward? Link up and share. I love watching your projects progress.
So cool that you have a loom! I can't wait to see how your rag rug turns out! Have you ever stopped at the rag rug shop in Marysvale? I wish I had room for a loom. We downsized when we moved and I barely have room for all my sewing and knitting stuff.
Looking forward to seeing your row! I've saved all the patterns so far and I need to get started!
I love this neighborhood row quilt!
That is looking great. I can't wait to see your row.
Have fun with the loom today.
No power – that's a bummer. At least they let you know. When you get bored weaving, you could cut the pieces for your next quilt project!
I too will be looking forward to what you weave.
I like your multicolored blocks. They are giving me inspiration….
I got a Singer 99 hand crank from my lovely daughter, now if the electric is off I can still sew, magic.