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Moving it Forward

I’ve joined the parade of quilts by Cynthia Muir aka ahhquilting on Instagram.  For the month of August she has chosen a certain type of quilt to parade each day.  This is the quilt I paraded for smallest quilt. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see what else I paraded.  It’s been fun to see what everyone else is parading follow #paradeofquilts2019 to join the fun.

I’m still keeping up with my 100 blocks in 100 days.  Here are the first 40.  My layout keeps changing as I add more blocks.

I’m waiting on my sashing fabric for my At the Seashore sew along with Moda.  I wish it would get her faster.  I’m so excited for this quilt!

Now it’s your turn to share your progress.  What have you been moving forward?  Link up and let us see!


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