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Moving it Forward

There comes a time when the creative clutter that is your sewing area becomes more of a hindrance than a help.  When scraps and piles of fabric abound in a big hot mess.  So you bite the bullet and get busy creating some semblance of order.  I reached that point this weekend.  So I began sorting piles.  Refolding fabric into pretty little stacks and placing it in the right color coordinated bin.

 I did pinks and purples, oranges and reds.

 All my low volume fabrics got refolded and rearranged.

 Along with my grays, blacks and browns.

I still have blues, greens and yellows to go through.  That is my goal for today.  I’m motivate! Seeing all these pretty fabrics has got my creative juices flowing.  Ideas abound as to where and how they can be used.  I guess that cleaning up once in a while is a good idea.

Let’s keep the inspiration coming.  What things are you moving forward.  Link up and let us see.


  • Alison V. says:

    I don't have a lot of yardage that would need refolded, but what is out of control in my sewing room are my scraps. Bins and boxes and bags! Different ways to sort scraps! Just not enough room! Maybe someday I will get it under control.

  • cityquilter grace says:

    it's gotta be done now and then…looking good so far

  • For the love of geese says:

    I can see how these would inspire. My mind is racing from looking, I am drawn to the grays and blacks.

  • Alycia~Quiltygirl says:

    it looks so pretty now – and ready for you to dig back into!

  • Cathy says:

    How nice! I don't think my sewing space will ever look like that! I usually buy only 1/2 yard cuts and they don't stack well and look as glorious as larger cuts.

  • Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana says:

    I can only take so much of the mess and then I have to have a session of just folding and sorting…I don't have nearly the amount that you have. I esp. like your low volume stash.

  • Shasta Matova says:

    You've done well with your stacking and folding. When you finish, you can come to my house and fold my fabric! It needs it.

  • Connie says:

    They all look wonderful folded and arranged by color . . . you are an inspiration 🙂

  • Karen says:

    Sorting and refolding fabric stashes is like meeting old friends and catching up on what's new with everyone.

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