It was snowy all weekend so I hulled up in my sewing room and let the scraps fly. I’ve decided to make my mystery scrap quilt a little bigger and for go the border. Do you think it will make it look weird? Just now an idea struck me that may fix that problem. I’ll post it once I get it far enough along that you can see what I’m doing. I think explaining may be too difficult.
In addition to flying scraps I made some more orange ginger soap. I am almost out and it’s been just over a month since the last batch was ready. It takes a month for it to cure. Since I’ve run out of blemish buster and it will be two weeks before the new batch is ready. I decided to make a double batch this time and fill both of my molds. Oh I love how this smells.
Here are the coin stacks I showed last week. Looking forward to this reveal. For now just a little sneak peak.
Hope you have had a productive week. Link up and show us what your moving forward. Feel free to grab the button in the side bar. Thanks again Sarah.
I find so many of the sew-along or mystery quilts are really too big for a wall quilt and not big enough to cover up with. I am trying to focus on making things big enough to be useful.
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Good to have a little snow to make you stay inside?
Having become a big fan of yellow and always a lover of scrap quilts, I like were this is going! Look forward to seeing how the border works out.
Oh the scrappy quilt will be lovely. And handmade soap, ah, I love it!
I love that scrap quilt and await your further developments! Orange ginger soap sounds good enough to eat!
I think you must have a treat for all the senses. The scrap quilt is really going to be a pretty thing, and is it just me or does the color remind you a little of that curing soap? I'm trying to imagine how good it smells there right now too. Sweet work!
That soap sounds so smelly yummy!
I may have to try it out sometime. I love things that smell good.
Your quilting is lovely.