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Moving It Forward

Sorry for being sporadic in my blogging this summer.  When life gets busy the blog is the first thing to go. So while it looks like things are quite here and little is happening I’m keeping myself busy elsewhere. First I drafted and wrote the directions for my Tie Dyed Sheep quilt. The only thing missing is the cover picture. So I got busy and quilted it with happy daisies, loopy swirls and leaves. Now to bind it and take a picture.

 I also finished quilting the two Quilty Hugs (Ruth quilted the third) that were finished at our last sew in. Sherri is busy getting the bindings on.

 Next week is our sew in. So I got busy and started cutting new projects. So the sewing angels will have something to work on.

Now I want to see what your working on. Link up and share your progress. Let’s see what your moving forward.

An InLinkz Link-up


  • Needled Mom says:

    Family should take precedence over blogging. Life can get so busy.

  • Miaismine says:

    I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one who can be sporadic in my blogging. Your projects are so pretty – I so love scrappy!

  • Karen says:

    The black sheep….cute, cute!

  • Candace says:

    I totally understand about sporadic blogging, so often I only have time/mental energy to sew, or to blog. Sewing always wins! Your sheep is so adorable!

  • dq says:

    Tie Died Sheep Quilt is so adorable. I just love it!

    Busy is good and bad. I find that I accomplish so much more when I am busy than when I am not. It really doesn't make sense.

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