This mamma of boys has created another man quilt. This one featuresRegency Sussex by Christopher Wilson for Moda. When I find a great man friendly line like this I just have to design a quilt for my boys around it.I’m so thankful my boys appreciate a man quilt.
The broken dishes block has sentimental value to me. I have a quiltmade in bright pinks, oranges, and blues my mom made. It wasn’t finished when she gave it to me. She was moving and knew she would never finish. Lucky me! I’m the only one of my sisters that really sews. The all know how just choose to spend their time in other ways. So I got the quilt. I pulled on my love of this block and add a star sashing to create Nautical Nights.
You can find the pattern in May/June Quiltmaker magazine. I have one for a lucky reader. Leave a comment telling me a block that has sentimental value to you for one chance. Subscribe to my newsletter, info on the sidebar, for a second chance. I’ll pick a winner next Thursday. Good luck!
If you are looking for more man friendly quilt patterns I have several in my Etsy Shop.
This quilt is beautiful. I love the stars in the sashing, suttle bit effective.
My boys appreciate quilts too! THis one's a beauty.
Your quilt is beautiful! One of my all-time favorite blocks is the simple 9-patch.
Lovely finish on your man quilt!! My Grand-mere made beautiful dresden plate quilts and I still have one of hers. It has great sentimental value for me as she used fabric from my Mom's and Aunt's
dresses….hugs, Julierose
Love your quilt!
Lovely quilt and I love those broken dish blocks. I don't know that any block has sentimental value but my first attempt at any piecing work was in 1970. My first college roommate and I shopped for bright orange, lime green and yellow fabric to make quilt tops of the same fabrics. I finished the top but never made it into a quilt. Years later my dear Granny folded it over a thick wadding, quilted it with tied yarn and sewed the edge. I still cherish this funny little quilt remembering how dear she was to me.
The sentimental block for me is bear paw. It was the block used in the first quilt my Mom made. She is gone now but the quilt remains.
I am needing a man quilt pattern, and this one looks good. As to a favorite or sentimental pattern, I just seem to love the one I am working on in the future!
I saw that in my magazine and thought it was fabulous. Great manly quilt.
Love the man quilt have trouble making one
Love the quilt would love the pattern!!
Egg money quilt block, we raised chickens and sold the eggs, the money was used to buy groceries, school shoes, etc.
Not sure I have an all-time favorite, but I'm always drawn to the same blocks seen in antique and vintage quilts – 9-patch, bearpaw, baskets, and stars. The one I really want to make soon is a Sunflower quilt. You chose a perfect block for your latest man quilt, and the star sashing is wonderful!
one of my first quilt was broken dishes
I love your quilt! It is gorgeous ~ the colors and everything! I want to make one now. My favorite block is the Dresden Plate, as my grandmother made me one as a child. As we were very close, I always treasured this quilt and always will. I even replicated it a few years ago so that it would fit my bed, and I love it too.
I already follow you by Bloglovin and IG. Yours is one of my favorite blogs and I always look forward to seeing what you have created.
Love your quilt.
The block that has sentimental value for me is an appliqued butterfly. I inherited a quilt with those blocks made by my grandmother who taught me to sew and embroider. It was in sad condition and I was going to repair it but that would take too much to do so instead I made one like it.
I have a grandmother's flower garden (hexagon) quilt made by my grandmother (long before she was a grandmother). I am recreating it with 30s repro fabrics.
Wonderful quilt. I always love a Granny Square because my Grandmother taught me how to make it so long ago.
Beautiful quilt. My favorite block is any star block…I am always drawn to them. karenbbsnow[at]gmail.com
I love your quilt! My favourite Blok might be flying geese. They can create so many different quilts
Beautiful quilt perfectly suited for the male. Dresden plate is the one that holds memories for me. But I love star blocks!
Sunbonnet Sue reminds me of my maternal grandmother. A tattered old quilt of hers was in my mom's cedar chest for years and I always marveled at the little appliqued girls!
I am also so a fan of Grandma's Flower Garden. I received a quilt of these from my grandmother just after I got married.
I have an old Grandmother's Flower garden quilt made by my grandmother. It's very precious to me. When I started my garden quilt, my mother saw the beginning blocks and told me it would be lovely. She died 6 weeks later. That made the the Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt even more special. I used a lot of my mom's fabrics in that quilt. I do wish she could have seen the finished project.
What a beautiful quilt! I love it when I find a good manly quilt because sometimes you just need to make a manly quilt! And thanks for a chance to win a copy of the pattern/magazine! I tried to comment a few days ago via smartphone, but apparently it got dumb and refused to let me leave comments properly, so I'll try again using the "big" computer… While it is not a favorite block of mine, the pineapple has a special place in my heart, as it is the first quilt my mom made, many years ago. When rotary cutters and such were just catching on and Eleanor Burns had her Quilt in a Day books, my mom and a friend drove an hour each way to the closest quilt shop to learn to quilt and the pineapple was the pattern chosen. I learned to quilt watching her (I was in about middle school), and she would talk me through everything she was doing. I was terrified of the rotary cutter, but even more scared of the sewing machine (still haven't sewed myself to anything – many, many years later!), but it took me a lot of years to convince myself I could do all the work. So at the beginning, she chain-pieced and I stood at the back of the machine, snipping off pieces and carefully pressing them and getting them back to the design floor (design walls weren't a thing yet back then!), ready for the next seam. We made many quilts that way, until I moved out after college, and now we mostly make them on our own and compare notes afterwards! Thanks again for a chance to win!
The log cabin block is my sentimental block. It is the first block I ever pieced. My Mom had learned the log cabin block and shared. She was able to make three full size log cabin quilts before she got sick and died. Special memories. I don't have any of the log cabin quilts. My other siblings received the quilts.
I love this quilt! Especially in these colors!
Pretty quilt!! My favrite pattern is the log cabin, have made 2 quilts with it, each different….lots of variation!