Do you make a lot of half square triangles for blocks like this? Or this
or this
or this
Or maybe this.
Whatever block you like to make if you make a lot of half square triangles have I got the tool for you. A couple of years ago I took a class from Kaye England. Kaye is the nicest person. I thoroughly enjoyed her class. And can I just say that what I learned in that class has helped me immensely. With her little tool my half square triangles go together so smoothly and my points meet just so. I saw Kaye at Quilt Market in Portland last spring and I just could not thank her enough for this wonderful tool. So are you wondering if I am just going to keep rambling or am I going to tell you about this tool. Well not only am I going to tell you about this tool, I’m going to show you how to use it.
First it is Nifty Notions half square triangle. It looks like this.
To use it you cut two strips. The strips should be cut 1/2″ bigger than you want your finished half square triangle to be. Example if you want a 2″ block cut your strips 2 1/2″.
Place your strips right sides together. You might want to cut the end to ensure that the ends of both strip meet. Place the Nifty Notions half square triangle ruler on your strip so that there is a long side on your left hand side and along the bottom of your strip. Line up the edge of your strip along the bottom and on the size measurement you want for your triangle. As in example given before it would be the 2 1/2″ line. Cut along third edge to make your triangle.
Next flip your
ruler so that the long edge is along the top and the diagonal line rest on the line you just cut. Line up the top edge so that it reads the measurement you want. 2 1/2 inches for example. Then cut along third side to create another pair of triangles. Repeat this process for the amount of half square triangles you need. Take you little pile of triangles to your sewing matching and feed them through.
Open them up and press. Wha la you have a perfect little half square triangle. To make all those fun blocks you love.
I think I have one of those rulers – must check! Love your pinwheels at the top!
Hugs – Lurline.
Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice…
ahh.. I am making triangles now, as you know. 🙂 Trouble is, mine were already cut.. now I need to make them work together! Your tutorial is great though.
I love your first quilt shown with the scrappy pinwheels. 🙂
Great BLOG! Please visit mine below and check the link ads! The Coming Depression
ok,,,I’m hooked!!! I LOVE those scrappy blocks! I think I hear them singing to me!!!
I love your “nifty notion” very good tutorial!!
I have one of those rulers and I LOVE it. Cuts down on a lot of time for me. Love your pinwheels – they are awesome!
I have that ruler and it is brilliant…especially if you have to cut squares and triangles…you can get them from the same strip!
Em…fantastic tool, your blocks look great.
Thanks for the information on the ruler and the tutorial. I just love rulers, lol, and I see a new one in my future!
I am a gadget (esp rulers) collector. I think I have one that is very similar but maybe not the same one. I’ll check and if mine is different, this one is going on my Christmas list.
That IS Nifty. 1/2 square triangles are my least favorite thing…I am not big on triangle paper either, but that ruler looks like it would be handy….I am putting it on my wish list. I love Kaye England!
i think this might change my life. can you find this at joann’s?
Hey, now that is NIFTY!
Thank you for your tutorial! I think I may need one of these gems.:)
Em I love all your good information
I’m going to get a camera so I can send you some pictures.
Your Friend Suzy
I think this is like the Easy Angle ruler, which I just discovered on Quilville. I love it! And the best thing is that you can use the same size strip to cut both squares and HST’s that finish at the same size. Wonderful! Your tutorial is great.
Thanks for the tute! I will have to watch for this tool in the future… 😎
Thanks Em. the jelly roll left overs will come into good use.
Oh, I needed this post to help me get those triangles! Thank you so much! I am so glad I discovered your blog, I will add it to my favorites. (I found you by reading LeeHaven comments, seems like where we all meet at one time or another!, a wonderful lady, KarenDianne!)
Hi Em, thanks for the tutorial on the half triangles. I am going to have to source one of those rulers.Not fond of triangles, due to the meeting points. Regards Lyn
huh! I’m in awe of your triangles and method! I shall definitely have a look for this wonderful ruler. 🙂
What a nifty little tool! I’m going to have to get one of those! I haven’t been brave enough to do any triangles yet, but I’m sure the day will come and any help I can get will be wonderful! Thanks for visiting my blog too! :0)
Em, I have had one of those tools forever and didn't ever know how to use it. I love Kay she is so funny. Thanks for showing us that triangle and how to use it!