My sister, Becky, called the other day to see if I could help her out. Apparently I’m the go to sister when something needs to be sewn. While all my sisters are quite talented we all have different strengths. Julie is good at art and design. Lori is who you call for yummy food. And Becky is a go to photographer. I’m always happy to help. That’s what sister’s are for, right? And I’ve learned my efforts are always rewarded. My sewing to help Julie with her fabric lines not only got me an in at Moda but landed my quilt on the cover of McCall’s Magazine. So what did Becky need?
She was looking for a cute way to package your photos for clients. She has been using a box. But she told me that was expensive to ship. She had seen linen envelopes on Etsy. The problem was all the shops where outside the U.S. so shipping was once again a problem. Did I think I could make her a few. She had done some research. She had priced fabric and had sites for me to purchase linen. She was thinking big. She is sure I can sell them in my Etsy shop. She just knows they will sell. She may be right but I told her for now I’d just make them for her. So I delved into my stash and made a few for her. I hope she likes them. My daughter, also a photographer thought they were pretty cool.
In addition to sewing for my sister I’ve been packaging soap for this weekend’s farmer’s market. So happy the weather is going to be good. I about froze last time.
What a clever idea. And, yes I think they will sell quite well. Good job!
cute idea do you have a zigzag seam on the sides so they don't fall out? I would think for all those people who can't sew or to lazy to try they would sell
Those fabric envelopes are a great way to present the photographs. Presentation is very important, as you and your sister clearly know.
THose are cute envelopes