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Planning a Plan B Quilt Part II

Last week my newest Plan B quilt looked like this. Just a bunch of orphan blocks thrown up on the design wall.  

Now the fun begins. If you like puzzles you will love this next step.  First I started by sewing things together to make larger pieces to fit in rows. I found that if I added these 2 1/2″ square units to my gray four patches.

 I ended up with this cute little block. 

 and it was the same size as these quarter triangle pieces sewn together. I ended up with three framed four blocks and two quarter square blocks.

 Next I sewed the little rail fence blocks together. Lucky me when they were assembled they were the same size as the pinwheels.

 Adding borders around half square triangles got them up to size.  Sewing all these blocks together I had a good sized row.  Continuing this process I sewed units together added sashing when things didn’t quilt fit. In the row with the star and diamond I added sets of mini blocks to make a sashing between the blocks.

I wanted to better distribute color throughout my quilt so I put the four brightest, most colorful blocks in the corners. I still may move rows around.  Not everything is sewn together. Plus I need to add strips to make all the rows the same size.  I’m not quite sure how I feel about the bottom row. So that will probably see some adjustment. I still have a couple of blocks I have not incorporated. If I can’t find a home for them here, they’ll go back in the bin. Let me know if you have questions about the process. I’ll do my best to try and answer them.


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