For a 47″ x 52″ quilt you will need 85 charm squares. This quilt is perfect for a beginning quilter. I use it when I’m teaching youth. I have made it a couple of times with the 12 year old girls at my church. It turns out perfectly for them. There are no seams to match up. So it is very forgiving.
I needed a quilt Quilty Hug for a man. So I used 126 squares, a combination of a charm pack I had and leftovers I found in my pre-cut scrap bin. I still need to find border fabric.
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That is a nice pattern for making something quick and to teach a beginner quilter. I like that there aren't seams to match.
Good job, Em. Always on the lookout for "manly" quilts!
Watched your tutorial, looks to be an extremely easy and quick quilt. I had never heard the term "kissing cousins" related to quilting, you made me smile on that one.
I have a lot of leftover charms–this is a perfect way to use them up…thanks…
~ ~ ~ waving in the sunshine today Julierose
What a great pattern for a quick quilt. Making some to donate to SHP. It is an organization ( Sleep in Heavenly Peace) that makes beds for kids sleeping on floors. They are in need of linens for these beds. This will make up fast. Thanks so much for posting
Thank you for a good project idea for when I feel the creative urge but not enough creative energy for a lot of planning and stash searching!
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How do I find the pdf for this charming quilt?