Life can get a little crazy at times. 2020 has taken this to a whole new level. I find that when things get overwhelming it’s time to take a step back and reassess what is important.

Recently I was been with an amazing opportunity. At first, I figured I just throw what this opportunity required in with all I was currently doing and just keep juggling it all. For a while this worked. Now it’s got me feeling overwhelmed and like I’m not doing a good job at anything. Since I want what I share with you to have value and be of use to you. I needed to see where I could cut back and still deliver quality content.

You may have noticed that back in June I cut down the number of blog posts I created. And my social media is showing all my quilts in different settings. Thank goodness for my sister’s talent with a camera.. Cause I can’t show what I’m currently working on.
I’m going to need to cut back on my blogging again. So for now until the end of the year I’ll only be doing one blog post a week. I’m keeping my video tutorials. So look for me each Friday morning. I’ll also have one more block mania post the first the first Tuesday of Oct.

Know this is temporary. Please enjoy the great tutorials, tips and tricks, patterns, and other useful content while I work on new things to come. Try to be patient, some pretty amazing things are in the works. You don’t know how hard this is to keep a secret. Thanks for being understanding with me.
Good for you–take the time to refresh and rest up…not good to get burned out.
I am now only working on one , what I call, big project at a time…if I get too may balls in the air I also get overwhelmed and then paralyzed and end up doing nothing…
Looking forward to your videos and once a week posting…
hugs and stay safe Julierose
its good that you can recognize what you need, and take that action…. I think you are a wise person!