I’ve had a request for how I make my uncut diamond blocks so I thought I share my method today. I start with an odd shaped 90* angle rectangle. If you don’t have these in your scrap bin you can make them by using a rectangle. For the 4 1/2″ square background I used for these blocks I used rectangles that were 2-2 1/2″ wide and 3 1/2″ – 4″ tall. Then cut on the diagonal. I cut some from right to left and others from left to right so I had opposing triangles. Lay your triangle over your background square so the 90* angle edges line up with one corner of your background square.
On the third side of your triangle use a ruler and measure in 1/2″. Take a Clover Hera Marker and run along the edge of your ruler
It will leave a crease in both of your fabrics.
Line up the edge of your triangle along the crease it made on your background fabric. You will want to make sure the the point on the short side of your triangle only hangs over 1/4″ the point on the long side will hang over more. Sew 1/4″ along the edge of your triangle. If you don’t have a Hera marker you can eyeball it but I found I did a lot of reverse sewing if I did it this way. I’d always have a part of the background corner showing. Using the Hear marker seemed to take care of this problem.
Press your triangle back so it cover the background corner.
Repeat the process with another triangle this one the mirror of the previous at least as far as the right angles are concerned.
Square up your block
To get rid of dog ears and any little discrepancies.
Repeat process for the desired amount of blocks. I made 270 or 15 x 18 rows. It should measure 60″ x 72″.
Now to sew the blocks into rows and then the rows together. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks Emily. That is going to be gorgeous.
Thanks.When Imade this block I used a paper piecing template and this is a great way to do it.
Thanks for the tutorial! So you line up the raw edge of the triangle right along the Hera-creased line of the background fabric, right?
Yes, that is correct
This looks great! What an awesome way to use up triangle scraps!
This is a sweet way to use up scraps. Simply wonderful tutorial!