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12 Springtime Quilts to Make

Picnic in the Park

Saturday was the first day of Spring. So it’s the perfect time to peruse a few springtime quilts. Maybe even time to pick some fun springtime fabric and start sewing a few.

Pippin by Becky Fensterm

I really like the simple modern feel of Becky’s Pippin.

Tulip Trio by Kate Colleran of Seams Like a Dream

Kate’s Tulip Tri sings of spring. I love that it has some many options. Choose a table runner, a wall hanging or a mini quilt.


My Confetti quilt can be cut completely on an

Spring Daffodils by Alison of Hexadoodle

What says spring better than pretty yellow daffodils. I think it’s so cool the way Alison has made them 3-D.

Lucky in Love by Kris Driessen of Scrapdash

I know St. Patrick’s Day is over but there is always next year. Plus I just fell in love with Kris’s fun table runner.

Bushel and a Peck

Whenever we were grumpy my dad would say, “Pretend like it’s spring and your in love.” So I had to include A Bushel and A Peck in my springtime quilt line up.

Candy Shoppe by Audrey Mann of The Cloth Parcel

Audrey’s Candy Shoppe reminds me of fields of wildflower in the spring.

Tulip Fields by Audrey Mann of The Cloth Parcel

Her Tulip Fields remind me of my Dutch Heritage. Plus along with daffodils they are the perfect spring flower.

Posy Parade

Speaking of flowers Posy Parade is full of springtime flowers.

Serenity Path Table Runner by Bobbi Bridgeman of Snowy Days Quilting.

Bobbi’s table runner full of pretty spring colors would be the perfect addition to your Easter decor.

African Violet by Rona the Ribbiter

There is a home on my morning walk that in the spring has violets growing in the lawn. So when I saw Rona’s African violet I knew it must be in the mix.

Bean Sprout by Kitty Wilkin of Night Quilter

I know this #13 but having a bakery in the family I like to go by a baker’s dozen. So here is your bonus. Kitty’s little sprout block. Isn’t it adorable?

Are your creative juices flowing? Are you excited to do a little springtime quilt sewing? I know I am.

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