What does it mean to be living the dream? Does it mean your life is perfect? That you have no problems? Everything is easy?

Let me tell you about the horrid day I had last week First I had not been sleeping well. When this happens I know I should not be sewing. But I had a ton to get done. So stupidly I pushed forward. Only to realize I had cut things wrong. After unpicking and re-cutting I realized I was now short on fabric. Which by the way would not be in stores until Oct. To make matters worse my machine stopped working. When it rains it pours. After contacting the magazine I was designing this quilt for and doing my best to make things right. I went to bed that night at the same point I had started when I got up in the morning. Not a good day at all!

A-ha moment
As I lay in bed that night the thought came to me; I’m living the dream. Like a 15 year old who dreams of driving. Only to realize when they turn 16 that they don’t get the cool car. Nor do they get to drive as often as they thought. They still get to drive. Or the couple who dreams of children, only to realize parenthood is not full of adoring, happy children. This from the mother who got a call from two principles and the police in one day. (No worries! They did become caring responsible adults. It was just got bumpy in the middle) That is part of living the dream.

In order to become the awesome person you are meant to be. To live the dream you are meant to achieve, you get to enjoy the roller coaster ride that comes with it. I listen to Jody Moore. If you don’t listen to her podcast, Better than Happy I would recommend it. She gives the analogy of a baby learning to walk. It’s the baby’s falling down and getting up again and again that strengthens their legs So eventually they are strong enough to walk, and then run.
So if that means that there are days when designing scrappy quilt patterns for you I get my math wrong. Then spend my day unpicking more than I’m sewing. Or in creating those quilts I sew so much I wear out the motor in my machine. I’ll do it! Because I love living this dream!