If you quilt for very long you may begin to feel back and shoulder pain. I have a few tips for quilting w/o back and shoulder pain. After all we all want more time to quilt. But no one wants pain.

First you are going to want to get up and move from time to time. Your body is meant to move. Sitting for too long causes it to stiffen up. Stretching is one way to move your body. I have a post on yoga poses you can do at your machine to stretch tight muscles. In addition to stretches you can just get up and walk around a bit. If you feel so inclined blast your favorite song and dance a little. I promise it will be fun. Close the door if you don’t want anyone to see. My neighbors may think my family is strange. We often have spontaneous dance parties in the kitchen and living room. If they were to look in they may have a good laugh.

When I first discovered HollyAnn and was perusing her content, I found this great video on posture while sewing. Her tips are so helpful. She has advice on how to hold your body. Ways to adjust your table and chair for most comfort. Make sure you check it out. It’s full of tips for quilting w/o back and shoulder pain.
Didn’t you find her so informative? Don’t you want to learn more from her? Christmas is coming. This has been a hard year. You deserve a treat! Learning a new skill is fun! So why not sign up for her FMQ Academy and start 2021 off with some fun. Especially now that you know what to do to quilt w/o back and shoulder pain.
Next, the winner of last week’s giveaway is SueH. She loves quilting orange peels. Now, just for fun, a quiz to find out what kind of free motion quilter you are.