Big stitch quilting is a fun way to add texture and color to your quilt. I find it relaxing. It’s a fun take on the go project. Or just sit in front of the TV and stream and stitch away.

The interior of your quilt is not the only place you can add big stitch. My friend, Angela, introduced me to the idea of using it to sew on a binding. She did it on her Yarn Bomb Trees quilt. I was thrilled when she shared it with me. I’m so sad I can’t find the picture I took of it. It inspired me to add big stitch on the binding of my Maverick Star quilt.

I’ve also used it to add another element to this scrappy throw pillow on my bed. I like to use Sulky 12 weight thread. It comes in solids as well as variegated. You can also use DMC floss.

When I was receiving treatment for my autoimmune disease I took this quilt to each appointment. It was the perfect project. It kept me warm while I received the treatment. And when it was finished so were the treatments. YAY!!!

So you can see I enjoy big stitch quilting. I hope if you’ve not tried it you’ll give it a go. You can learn how with my latest video.
If you try it make sure to share your creations with me. I’d love to see. Email me, join my group Facebook page, or tag me on Instagram @emsscrapbag.
Thank you for this video. I would really like to try the big stitch on my quilt. I was wondering what kind of needle do you use? Do you have a preference other than a long sharp needle? Thank you.
Love using the big stitch quilting….
But how the heck do you work it on the binding?
That is a lot of extra layers to get thru even with just one stich at a time!
I don’t go through all the layers when I sew on the binding. So it only shows on one side.
I also wonder about using big stitch quilting on binding. I like the look but wonder if it holds the binding in place securely?
I’ve only done it on the one quilt. I love the effect. It seems to be sturdy, but has not been time tested.
Exploring quilting methods. T
Thank you for your comments on back and shoulder pain. I’ll certainly try to incorporate all of your suggestions. When I quilt at the machine, I keep telling myself “Back straight, shoulders down!” This helps but I look forward to improved comfort and joy in my many hours of quilting. Thanks again and All Best Wishes. Patricia Kendel
Great tutorial
Brings back memories from almost 5 decades ago. Grandma done this with rainbows. She let me draw rainbows with chalk on a string tied off to side of quilt frame my dad made for her. Half circles. Let out every inch or so, draw another rainbow. I eventually was promotted to getting to actually stitch.
Thank you for sharing video of your beautiful quilts.
Are you going through all 3 layers??? If not what are you doing to quilt the layers together?? Are you doing a stitch in the ditch first and then going back and adding this as a decorative stitch to the front only?? I didn’t really understand the tutorial. Can you please explain a little more in detail?? Thank you!!
I also love to big stitch hand quilt using different weights of thread. Without a frame (*gasp*). 10 and 12 weight thread will go though three layers pretty well. On the binding it can be sewn through top layers. Unless you use it for a blanket stitch or other stitch when catching just the binding edge and top or back of the quilt fabric. With Perle size eight thread I generally only catch the top and some batting. Very strenuous to go through all layers of the quilt when the thread gets this hefty. I have yet to use size 12 on my machine with a finer size thread in the bobbin.– but I plan to. Really beautiful colors are available for all this quilting! Thank you for sharing your wonderful quilts.