The snow ball quilt block is a classic. It’s easy to make and fun to play with. Make a stack in an afternoon with my quilt block tutorial. They are a great way to use up scraps! And who doesn’t love a scrap quilt. You know I do!!!!

To make a snowball block all you’ll need is a square of fabric plus 4 background squares 1/3 the size of your original fabric square. (Example 6 1/2″ square with 4- 2 1/2″ background squares.) This is just a general rule. My philosophy in quilting is there are no rules just guidelines. So feel free to play with this ratio.

Modern Gems is a two block wonder that features the snowball block on point. Learn how to put a quilt on point here. It’s one of my favorite settings for a quilt!

Beeline is another pattern I offer that uses this cute little block. It is also a two block wonder. It was fun to play with angles in this quilt to create movement and fun star like shapes. Watch for a tutorial on the sister block, kaleidoscope, soon.
Now what you’ve been waiting for. The snowball quilt block tutorial.
Make sure to share what you create with me. I do so love to see your creations! Email your pic. Post it in my group Facebook page. Or tag me on Instagram with @emsscrapbag. I look forward to seeing your creations!
Looking for more knowledge and inspiration? Check out my other quilting video tutorials
Really a fun and beautiful quilt. Love that it is only 2 easy blocks.
The video says that the small squares for a 6 1/2 inch block should be 2 1/2. The text above says 3 1/2. I am guessing the 2 1/2 is the correct size.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ve fixed it.
What a beautiful quilt.