Are you better at starting a project than finishing it? Do you wish you could move those WIP (works in progress) closer to completions? I have 3 useful tips to help you finish your quilts.

First Tip
First it helps to make a list. I know that may seem daunting. I once heard your brain is good at creating things but not so good at remembering things. Give your brain a break. Free it up for more creativity.

Second Tip
The great thing about this list is it breaks your projects into chunks; cutting it out, sewing blocks together, adding borders, quilting and binding. Thinking you have a whole quilt to finish can be discouraging. So you put it off. If instead you just need to finish a step along the way that is so much more manageable. We feel more motivated and it gets done.

Third Tip
Celebrate those little successes! Reward yourself when you move a quilt a little closer to completion. Maybe some chocolate or a fat quarter. Don’t underestimate the power of checking something off your list. Creating that check is so empowering!
I’ve used this method over the years. It has helped me to successfully finish a bunch of quilts. I recently created this cute little pdf to help you with all 3 tips; creating the list, breaking it down, and the reward of checking it off. I hope it helps you finishing your quilts. You can get it here.

And the winner for last week’s giveaway is Pamela Dempsey! Yea! So happy for you! If you’ll send me your snail mail I’ll get your prize out.
Some people have a bunch of tops laying around. Put same size together and make a reversible quilt. Gets rid of 2 tops and you don’t have to search around for a backing. This way the quilt has 2 pretty sides.