You may recall my overflowing scrap bin from a few weeks back. Whenever this happens it’s time to create a new quilt around that bin.
I had a lot of fun going down memory lane, as I sewed strip sets for my quilt. It’s one of my favorite things about creating scrap quilts. All those precious memories of quilts past come rushing past. It is kind of bittersweet as I use up the last of a fabric.

You may recall that I tried a new method on my long arm to sew the rows together. I learned a lot as I tried quilt as you go on my Amara. I see many possibilities with with method. So watch for more quilts done this way. I liked that I didn’t have to wrestle the big quilt on my sewing machine. It just grew on the long arm.

I also got to try some free motion quilting in the larger rows. Once all the quilting was done. I found a pretty green fabric in my stash to bind it with.
Then I was off for a fun phot shot with my newly finished quilt. I’m calling this quilt Pasta Please. All the strips remind me of pasta. And it is assembled lasagna style. You can find the pattern in my shop.
Now it’s your turn. What did you move forward this week? Share in the comments or on the Facebook page.