If you have scraps. You think scrap quilts are the best. Are looking for little help busting through your scraps and creating a beautiful quilt. Then I’ve got you. I’m hosting another Jumbo Scrappy Star Workshop.
In this workshop we will discuss the role color and value play. How to use these tools to create a quilt with interest and pop. You will learn how to create a quilt plan. Then use that quilt plan to create your one of a kind quilt.
The Jumbo Scrappy Star Workshop has been expanded. Now you can choose to make a star, a heart or a snowball block. Choose from four sizes from wall hanging to bed size. Then fill it with lots of scrappy goodness. Get the details and join me to create your own Jumbo Scrappy Star..
This workshop is a precursor to my Discovering Hidden Quilts; turning scrap piles into beautiful quilts class. In this class we dive deeper. Receive different methods to make various scrap busting units. Allowing you to find your favorite and most accurate method. Turn those units into dozens of different blocks using the many patterns included in this course. Explore the possibilities of these blocks as we throw them up on a design wall. Where we twist and turn them to discover the many ways they can be used. Then use the quilt plan downloads to color in and create your own quilt.
Enrollment begins Oct. 4th. Don’t wait last chance to sign up is Oct. 14th. Once enrollment closes it won’t be available until next year. Think of it as an early Christmas present. That will help you create gifts for those you love. Look forward to seeing you on the inside.