Have you tried quilt as you go? I’ve not done a lot of this method. Though it does intrigue me. I found it a fun way to make a strip quilt on my long arm. I may explore more of that at another time. Working with Accuquilt I’ve been introduced to June Taylor products. They have quilt as you go products. I recently tried there set of three quilt as you go pillows.
Technically you can just use one fabric in each of the quilt as you go areas. But where’s the fun in that? You know me if I can make it scrappy I will.
So for the first pillow I used an orphan block. The center square is perfect for a 6″ orphan block. I had one leftover from my foundationless string block tutorial that I thought would make a nice pillow. I framed the block with Kona steel. Then used two fabrics to fill in the corners. Here’s how I did it.
For the next pillow I made crumb fabric. First I sorted my crumbs so they were colors I used in Gathering. It’s the quilt that is on my guest bed. I thought a few throw pillows would make the room more inviting. Once the crumb fabric was made I cut the required size strips and used the same background fabric as the quilt.
For the final pillow I decided to make a sampler. I used various string blocks and a few flying geese. Then stitch them on using June Taylor’s batting foundation.
I found the product easy to use and I’m pleased with the results.