Last Friday the final block in Smooth Sailing was released. This Friday the next quilt in Aunt Em’s Sew Along will be revealed. Are you looking for a fun way to build your sewing skills? Then this sampler style sew along is for you.
You will learn simple sew and flip blocks.

Slash and insert blocks
Strip piecing

There is a little free style, improvisational piecing. Along with a taste of applique.

Lots of great quilt blocks to make your heart sing.

I find a sampler quilt a great way to learn new methods. It give you a chance to stretch and try new things. While playing it safe with just a block or two to include in your quilt. In fact this is how I learned. There was a class offered at my church. Each month we learned a different block. Along with a few variations of that block. I found it a fun way to learn quilting. Sadly I no longer have that quilt.
If your interested in building your sewing skills. You like the look of sampler quilts. No need to purchase a lot of new fabric. Unless you would like. Fabric shopping can be therapeutic. My sew along quilts are scrap friendly.
They are also a very manageable project. With a new block each week you have plenty of time to finish while still staying on course. Not that that is important. While in the sew along you have access to all the previous blocks for that quilt. Plus if your feeling ambitious you also have access to the previous sew along. Then as a EXTRA BONUS! Once you’ve been in the sew along for six months. You gain access to the archives. This means you get all the previous quilts and bonus content.
Sign up today! Take advantage of all the Smooth Sailing blocks! And be ready when Summer Nights begins.