Summertime is here. Time for a little laid back fun. So of course a little free form piecing is in order. You know I love me a little wonk. Nothing brings out my creative juices better than a little free form, improv quilting. A while back I went through my bins and pulled blue, gold, brown, and green scrappy goodness. Combining them with a beautiful red, some wonky nine patch snowball blocks were born.

They were so much fun to make. Plus with my son’s wedding, I’ve not had a lot of sewing time. Wanting to still provide you with great content. I decided to throw together this little tutorial. I hope you have as much fun as I did creating this improv blocks. Feel free to mix up how you use them in your quilt. I’d love to see what creative uses you find for them. Make sure to share what you create on my Facebook page.

I’ve got my top pieced. I’m hoping to start quilting in early July. Once the wedding and our family reunion are over. In the meantime I’ll be pondering quilting motifs. Any suggestions? When it’s finished it will go on the guest bed. We’ve had to get a larger bed now that we will have a couple sharing it. So the ones that were used before are not quite big enough. Hope you have fun creating your own free pieced snowball blocks. Here’s the tutorial.