The holidays are fast approaching. Now is the perfect time to get a jumpstart on your holiday sewing. Today’s post is full of ideas to do just that. Find gift ideas, fun ideas on packaging those gifts, plus a festive way to decorate your home.
If you’re like me you enjoy making gifts to give. Two of my favorites are journals and pot holders. Both are scrap friendly and can be personalize by the fabrics you choose. I stock up on composition books when the back to school sales are going on. That way I have a good supply when it’s time to create a few journal covers. Here are a few I’ve created over the years. This tutorial will help you to create your own.

A quilt as you go pot holder is another quick and easy homemade gift idea. I like that it not only uses up my fabric scraps, but my batting scraps as well.

Sometimes it’s fun to package a gift with a gift. Like filling a zipper pouch with thoughtful items gathered with the recipient in mind. Try art supplies for your artist friends, or sewing notions for your quilting friends. Travel sized lotions and nail polish for the young women in your life. The options are endless.

Another fun way to package a gift is with these drawstring bags. Fill them with candy, cookies or other treasures. I like that they stand up on their own. Even before you’ve put your goodies in them.

Finally it’s fun to do a little holiday sewing to deck your halls for the festivities. Try this reversible tree skirt, with a forest of Christmas trees on one side and handsome snowmen on the other.

Whatever holiday sewing you choose I hope you have fun creating for others.