What are bonus half square triangles? They are the little triangles you cut off when using the sew and flip method. Where you put two pieces of fabric together with a drawn line on one and sew on that line. Flip and press then cut off the seam allowance. That seam allowance gives you two bonus HST.
A Bushel and a Peck and Jewels are just a couple of my quilt patterns that result in these little treasures.
Because fabric is expensive. You don’t want to throw them away. So what do you do with them?
Here are a few options.
How about the half square triangle diamond block. I did this with bonus HST I had from my Twisted Rail fence quilt.
Pinwheels are another option. Or the scrappy square in a square block.
I once made a Plan B quilt all from bonus half square triangles. I had collected from different quilts.
They are also fun to include on the back of the quilt they came from. Just incase you want a scrappy quilt back.
If you are still looking for ways to use up your bonus hst. I have a booklet with 20 different hst blocks. Each block offers a quilt pattern for that block. Plus there is a quilt pattern that combines them all.
Have fun playing with those bonus half square triangles. I can’t wait to see what you create!
Want to up level your scrap busting? Be sure to join Aunt Em’s Sew Along Adventure. Where we explore fun and creative ways to use our scraps.