Somehow I end up with a lot of scrappy strips and string in my scrap bins. So I’m always looking for ways to take that mess and turn them into beautiful quilts. I’ve made them into traditional string blocks. Learn my method. In Discovering Hidden Quilts we explore what happens when we change up the angle and size of a string block.
I’ve used them to create log cabin quilts. My first quilt was a log cabin quilt. So this block holds a special place in my heart. I’ve made it traditionally, as a quarter log cabin, as well as improvisational. Exploring different layouts and styles is one of my favorite things to do. If you enjoy this. But are not sure where to begin Discovering Hidden Quilts is for you.
I’ve added kites to my strips and strings to make spiderweb and stars and kites quilt. Find my tutorials by clicking. I had readers ask about how to make a controlled spider web. So I included that in Discovering Hidden Quilts.
My Seven Sister’s quilt is another great way to bust through your scrappy strings. You can find more tutorials for scrap busting string quilts on this post. If you are ready to take it deeper and explore more possibilities. Make sure you join me in Discovering Hidden Quilts. Enrollment begins Oct. 4th.