If you’re like me. You’re always looking for fun ways to manage your scraps. I hope today’s post will get your creative juices flowing. Giving you several ideas on enjoyable ways to productively use your scraps.
My focus today will be on those chunky scraps. You know the ones smaller than a fat quarter but bigger than a charm. My class Bits to Beauty is center around these sized scraps. It contains a block library full of great scrap busting blocks. That you can use to fill a jumbo heart, star or snowball motif. Doors for this class will be opening the mid August. Get on the waitlist to save your spot.
Video Tutorials
My YouTube channel is also full of scrap friendly blocks you can mix and match.
Find scrap friendly blocks like the bowtie, leaf, shoo fly and more.
One of my all time favorite scrap busting blocks is the maverick star. I use it all the time. In fact my logo is based on this scrap friendly block. Find lots of quilt patterns using this block in the post 10 Star Quilts to Brighten Your January.
Quick Cutting
I like to use my AccuQuilt Go to quickly bust through my chunky scraps. I recently did a post on my favorite scrap busting dies. It may help you manage your scraps. Get deals on AccuQuilt Go products. I recently cut out all the half square triangles for another Sunshine on a Cloudy Day quilt from my chunks bin using the Go. It went so fast. In less than an hour I had it all cut out.
I also cut out my disappearing four patch that way. Click the link to learn how to make your own with my free tutorial.
I hope that gives you a good jumping off place to help you bust through your scrappy chunks.