Scraps come in all different sizes. There are chunks. Pieces that are smaller than a fat quarter but bigger than a charm. Then there are strips. Those long skinny pieces that happen when you trim up a quilt. Finally there are those tiny little pieces. I call crumbs. In todays post I will share scrap projects for every size scrap
I like to sort my scraps according to their size. If your interested in learn my method be sure to check out this post. When deciding on a project I usually base it off a certain size scrap. If a particular bin is becoming unmanageable then I will base a quilt around those scraps. Below you will find projects I’ve created around those bins. Plus links for tutorials and patterns, so you can do the same.
I sort my chunks bins according to color. There are times I dive into every bin picking and choosing scraps to make a great scrap quilt. Other times I will base a quilt off the bin that is overflowing. Sometimes supplementing with other bins like Naughty Garden and sometimes not like these one color quilts. Want more ideas of things you can do with your chunky scraps? Try this post with 5 simple quilt blocks that are perfect for busting scrappy chunks.
The next size I sort my scraps into is strips. I have 1 1/2″ strips, 2 1/2″ strips and random strips. There are so many possible ways to use strips that I’ve created a guide to help you take advantage of the many strip tutorials I’ve created. Get your FREE Strip Busting Guide and start turning those strips and strings into beautiful quilts.
The final way I sort my scraps is crumbs. You know those tiny bits that are just to precious to throw away. I like to use them for applique, wonky star points, ornaments, and of course Crumb Quilts.
Whatever the size of our scraps. Have fun busting them with these tools.